Keep an eye on this page for more projects and opportunities.
Current Projects

The House of Deviant
Deviant by name, Divergent by Nature
The House of Deviant is a South Wales based coproduced project that uses drag performance as a vehicle to explore self-esteem and autonomy with adults with learning disabilities, who can otherwise have difficulties with issues such as social isolation and getting their voices heard.
Since it’s beginnings in Autumn 2020, The House of Deviant has been spreading fierce sass and fabulousness at live and online events across the UK including at:
Riverfront Theatre
Pride Cymru
Chapter Arts Centre
Pride events
Innovate Insight App Parties
Gig Buddies Events
Hijinx Unity Festival with Drag Syndrome
Still in its early days, and supported by professional drag artist Ernie Sparkles, the House of Deviant’s Queens have already found that they see themselves more positively and feel they can be more assertive in getting their voices heard.
Ffabinogion: Welsh Tales in Drag
A queer retelling of Welsh stories, written by the Queer community, using LGBTQ+ performers to bring these stories to life.
This work is a combination of written work presented in an archive, alongside live theatre drag performance and puppetry.
Theatre, Storytelling, Physical Theatre, Puppetry, Music, Written Prose & Short Stories & Community Workshops.
The performance is a fringe style cabaret theatre show and will be adaptable for both stage and festival performances.
Click here for more information:
See our opportunities page for how you can get involved!

Past Projects
Zing! Mixology
A shared evening exploring hybrid identities through two physical theatre pieces – A Welsh drag performer and a Puerto Rican movement artist share the stage to tell their own moving, funny, weird and quirky queer stories.
Queer Fringe Festival 2022
Norwegian Church Arts Centre
Date(s) - June 29, 2022 - June 30, 2022
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm

A quest for fabulous, through memories and real life accounts of one man. The audience will go on a journey that helps Gareth discover his "fabulous", as well as their own.
Fabulous is a nostalgic digital multimedia online theatre experience that takes you on an interactive journey through Fabulousland, meeting characters that induce thought provoking memories and discoveries as you discover the true meaning of Fabulous.
Join Gareth on this digital adventure suitable for ages 14+
June 2020

Gaesop's Fables
Queer Retellings of Aesop's Fables
Saturday 20th October &
Sunday 21st October 2018
Roath PArk Pub, 170 City Road, cf24 3je
(part of made in Roath 2018)
Put on your pyjamas and join Nanna Dragma in this ffabulous evening of queer re-tellings of Aesop’s Fables. The wonderful thing about Dragma is you never know what is up her sleeve (other than her tissues)! Inspired by the drawing room at Castell Coch, and after collecting brand-spanking new stories from the LGBT+ community, Fflamingo presents its debut production - Gaesop’s Fables - through storytelling, physical theatre, comedy and puppetry.
This event is recommended 18+.

Did You Know?
A collection of Fflamingos is called a